Minor/Certification Declaration
Students, follow these steps to submit a Minor/Certification Declaration Form:
- Choose the college that has your desired minor.
- Then, from the drop down menu, choose the correct department for your desired minor.
- Complete the form, it will open in a new window.
- Once you submit the form, the department will be notified, and a minor advisor will be assigned. Please allow adequate time for your portal to update with your new information.
- If you have any questions, please e-mail registrar@dlokoko.com or call 256-765-5300.
Department of Biology: Biology
Department of Chemistry & Physics: Chemistry - Physics
Department of Communication: Communication Studies - Digital Media Production - Journalism - Public Relations
Department of Cinematic Arts and Theatre: Cinematic Arts - Theatre
Department of English: Applied Linguistics - Black Studies - Creative Writing - English - Film Studies - HCI/UX Professional Writing - Professional Writing - Southern Studies. Certificates: Professional Writing - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Department of Entertainment Industry: Sport & Entertainment Management
Department of Foreign Languages: Business Spanish - Foreign Languages - Global Studies - Latin American Studies. Certificates: Global Studies
Department of Geoscience: Geographic Information Science - Geography - Geospatial Human-Computer Interaction - Geology- Sustainability . Certificates: Business Geographic Information Systems - Community Development and Planning Geographic Information Systems - Environmental Geographic Information Systems - Geographic Information Systems - Remote Sensing
Department of History: History - Public History - Religious Studies - Women's Studies. Certificates: Public History - Religious Studies
Department of Mathematics: Mathematics
Department of Military Science: Military Science
Department of Music: Music - Certificates: Music: Musical Theater - Music: Percussion Specialist
Department of Politics, Justice, Law, & Philosophy: Crime Scene Investigation - Criminal Justice - International Political Studies - Legal Studies - Philosophy & Religious Studies - Philosophy - Political Science - Public Administration - Security & Emergency Management - Restorative Justice. Certificates: Security and Emergency Management - Law Enforcement Academic Certificate - Restorative Justice Certificate
Department of Psychology and Sociology: Applied Behavior Analysis - HCI/UX Evaluation - Psychology - Criminology - Family Studies - Sociology. Certificates: Family Life Education - Gerontology
Department of Social Work: Certificate: Child Welfare Practice
Department of Visual Arts & Design: Apparel Design - Art for Interior Design - Art History - Art - Culinary Arts - Design Build Technology - Food Management - HCI/UX Design - Hospitality & Events Management - Human Environmental Sciences - Kitchen & Bath Design - Photography - Retailing & Clothing - Space Planning & Design. Certificates: Art History - Banquet and Event Supervision - Culinary Arts Management (Food Management) - Dining/Restaurant Supervision - Events and Food Servics Management - Hospitality Management - Kitchen Supervision - Lodging and Tourism Management - Design Build Technology (Level 1 + 2) - Fine Arts 2D (Level 1 + 2) - Fine Arts 3D (Level 1 + 2) - Graphic Design (Level 1+ 2) - Kitchen and Bath Design (Level 1 + 2) - Photography (Level 1 + 2)
Department of Accounting & Business Law: Accounting
Department of Computer Science & Information Systems: Computer Information Systems - Computer Science - Cybersecurity - HCI Development CIS - HCI Development CS. Certificate: Data Science
Department of Finance, Economics, and Data Analytics: Economics - Data Analytics
Department of Management & Marketing: Business Administration - Digital Marketing - Human Resources Management - Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Management - Marketing - Project Management - Sales. Certificate: Professional Selling
Sanders College of Business and Technology: Certificates: Global Business - Study Abroad
Department of Kinesiology: Coaching & Officiating - Community Reaction - Exercise Science - Fitness Management - Health - Health Promotion - Outdoor Education - Sport & Entertainment Management - Sport Management - Study Abroad Certificate
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership: Educational Studies