Student Travel Clery Reporting

In compliance with Clery Act, student travel that is either funded or sponsored by the University, may fall within UNA’s Clery Geography. As such, UNA’s Clery Coordinator is responsible for requesting crime statistics from the local law enforcement agency.  All employees that organize school-sponsored student travel, must assist UNA with our Clery Compliance by notifying UNA’s Clery Coordinator of all international or domestic student travel by completing the required Student Travel Report form IF the trip meets either of the following situations.

  • During the school-sponsored student travel, students stay in the same hotel for multiple nights during the same trip; OR
  • The school-sponsored student travel is a recurring (i.e. annual) trip and the same accommodations are used each time the trip occurs.

Contracts for “use of space” – Separate from hotel arrangements; if any contract exists for a space/classroom being used for educational purposes during the trip; the contract document must be uploaded with the form submission and must be counted as Clery Geography (this would exclude visitations to local museums, activities, venues, etc.).

The form must be completed for any situation meeting either of the criteria listed above, so long as the hotel is used by students and the trip is designed to support educational purposes. Trips related to athletics, student organizations, study abroad, and study away all are subject to these requirements.

The Travel form below must be submitted by the employee/advisor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, when you have acquired the following information:

  • Departure/Arrival Dates
  • Advisors traveling
  • Addresses of hotel(s) -(room #’s, if known)

Accompanying advisors will be required to complete a mini-Clery Act advisor course (22 min.) to inform them of their temporary duties as a Campus Security Authority (CSA) under the Clery Act (unless the advisor is already certified as a CSA).

If you are unsure if your situation is required to be reported, please contact the Clery Coordinator, or submit the form just in case.

Hollon McCullar
Manager, Operations & Compliance
